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4InnoPipe course
summer semester 2024 Sustainability, Food and Health – Changing what you do without a fundamental change in how you do it changes nothing
Don’t join this course if you want to change the world.
The world is much more complex than any of us can know. And a three-month course in entrepreneurship isn’t going to change that.
What it might do is help you recognise this complexity and give you the tools to begin to navigate it.
This course isn’t only about ideas, asking the right questions and the entrepreneurial process.
In the 4InnoPipe course you are in the driving seat.
You decide on the pace and the direction for your project. You concentrate on the process not on the result.
And that process involves many failures, failures we celebrate, because failures aren’t failures; they’re the portals of discovery.
The 4InnoPipe course is a joint entrepreneurial program of Reutlingen University (Germany), Zagreb School of Economics and Management (Croatia), Kyiv Academic University (Ukraine), Helsinki University (Finland) and supported by EIT Food.
The course consists of three blocks: core courses, masterclasses and coaching sessions. In the core courses you concentrate on problem framing and problem deep-dive. Through user research, you study a social or environmental challenge to identify the source of the problem. Next, you map the customer and user journey and create a data-driven product or service vision. Towards the end of the course, you get training in audience-oriented pitching.
The second block consists of several masterclasses. The masterclasses are centred around business modelling, sales, investor readiness and branding.
The third block are coaching sessions, where we focus on creativity, team work, ways of discovery and observation. The course concludes with a pitching event, which is also the final exam.
This course follows the logic of short work cycles in the sense of double-diamond approach and the scientific method. It is designed as project- and challenge-based learning. The project you work on is the venture idea. You don’t need to have a business idea before entering this course. It may help you to progress, if you do already have one. The course is open both to beginners and to participants with previous entrepreneurial experience.
Get in touch with Lubko:
Mail: Lyubomyr.Matsekh-Ukrayinskyy@Reutlingen-University.DE
LinkedIn: Dr. Lyubomyr Matsekh
Phone: +49 176 755 745 29