Because you can achieve more by working together!

The Center for Entrepreneurship collaborates with a large number of partners and you can also benefit from this network. We can provide contacts for financial and legal consulting, offer access to joint projects with our partner colleges and universities, and also open doors to the “Accelerators” and support programmes across Germany.

Our constantly growing network extends beyond the boundaries of the Neckar-Alb region and offers wide-ranging possibilities. Working with our partners, we want to develop a startup culture at universities, encourage student to found their own companies and boost you and your startup on the way to success.

Icon: Partner

Partner universities

Corporate and community partners

Funding bodies


Stoff im Kopf Accelerator Reutlingen
Sandbox Stuttgart - Accelerator für Gründungen aus der Kreativwirtschaft
Startup Center Tübingen

Tech Startup School
Smart Green Accelerator
M.Tech Accelerator
CyberLab: IT Accelerator in Karlsruhe

Start-up BW ASAP

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