What is winRT?

The Women Incubation Network Reutlingen (winRT) is a program at Reutlingen University for women interested in starting a business, which is being offered for the first time as part of Exist Women through the new funding line of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (German: Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz (BMWK)). With winRT, we want to support women in the phase before starting a business, especially in the development of their entrepreneurial personality and the further development of their start-up idea.

What does winRT offer?

  • Participation in a qualification program for business start-ups

  • Individual coaching

  • Entrepreneurial support from a mentor

  • Nationwide network of female founders

  • Numerous workshops on topics relevant to start-ups and to strengthen
    your soft skills

  • The opportunity to exchange ideas with other female founders in a protected environment, make new contacts and simply try something out

  • Optional: 3-Month Scholarship, if you meet the following criteria

    • You have already completed at least 50% of your study program
    • You do not have any income during these 3 months or work a maximum of 20 hours per week
  • Scholarship Amount:

    • 1,000 € / month – for female students who have completed at least half of their studies
    • 2,000 € / month – for women with a completed vocational training
    • 2,500 € / month – for female graduates
    • 3,000 € / month – for female PhD holders
    • Child allowance: €150 / month per child
Why should you join us?

With winRT you can develop your full potential and enter the start-up scene with confidence. We provide you with the tools and resources,
that you need to successfully implement your business idea. Take part and show what you’re made of!

Further information about the program

Workshops and seminars

Welcome to winRT powered by Exist Women!

Impressions of our project launch

Kick-Off winRT 2024

Get to know our current participants

Participants winRT 2024

Anna Maria Lioka

Anna is the founder of the fashion start-up “babes by BABE”, short bbB, that stands for the creation of beautiful and future-oriented Fashion that tells a story.

The core values are:

Handmade and uniqueness: each piece is handmade with love and care, offering customers a selection of one of a kind or limited edition pieces that emphasize their individuality. In addition, the pieces can be lovingly embroidered or printed to give them an individual touch.

Sustainability at heart: Second-hand materials, recycled fabrics and environmentally friendly materials such as 100% cotton or recycled synthetics are used. In this way, our environmental impact can be reduced and a positive contribution to the world can be made.

A step into the future with NFTs and 3D models: As a future-oriented start-up, “babes by BABE” offers its customers a NFT or 3D model of the item they have purchased in addition to the physical product. This allows them to own their favorite item digitally and show it off in virtual worlds.

Girly, unique and sustainable: The brand image is characterized by feminine, unique and sweet vibes. Customers shall identify with the products, feel beautiful and know that every piece is handmade with great attention to detail and supports environmentally friendly practices.

babes by BABE is not only about fashion, but also about the path to a more sustainable and digital world.

Elena Brake

At a time when individuality and self-determination are becoming increasingly important, my aim is to offer women around the world a change. The idea? Tailor-made bras.

The idea? Tailor-made bras that can be easily configured using your own smartphone. As a budding entrepreneur with a clear vision, my team and I are supported by the Women EXIST scholarship as part of WinRT at the Center for Entrepreneurship Reutlingen to realize my idea of a revolutionary business idea in the bra industry.

With my background in garment engineering and my passion for developing bras that fit perfectly, I have set myself the goal of offering women a new level of comfort and self-confidence. The concept is simple: using specially developed technology, women can digitally record their own body measurements and carry out a 3D scan of their upper body. Based on this data, a customized bra cut is then generated that is perfectly tailored to the individual needs and physical characteristics of the wearer. From fit to design, full control is in the hands of the customer, and the app provides recommendations on cut and material as well as a pre-visualization of the breast shape by wearing the AURORA Bra.

What makes this innovation special is not only the possibility to design a bra according to your own ideas, but also the convenience and simplicity of the process. Instead of laboriously trawling through stores in search of a suitable standard bra, women can now find their own tailor-made solution from the comfort of their own home. Physical characteristics such as asymmetries, scars after operations or lymphatic diseases can also be taken into account in the incision so that, for example, no sutures are placed on sensitive scar tissue.

The Women EXIST grant supports me and my team in taking our business idea from conception to implementation. Financial support, coaching and networking opportunities provide us with the resources we need to drive our project forward, realize our vision and produce an initial series of prototypes. The future of the bra industry looks promising with this innovative idea. Custom-made bras that are perfectly tailored to the individual body offer women a new level of comfort and self-confidence. And thanks to the support of the Women EXIST grant, we are well on our way to realizing this vision and changing the world of bras forever.

Janine Müller

I am Janine Müller, 21 years old and I am currently in the sixth semester of my International Business degree at ESB Reutlingen University.

I spent my last two semesters abroad and even during the semester break I have a great passion for traveling, discovering other cultures and meeting lots of nice people. This passion is exactly where my idea came from: developing a two-sided peer-to-peer platform where travelers can share their self-organized adventures while benefiting from their experience when other travel enthusiasts book their trips.

The vision behind this platform is to create a community of travelers who can share and book their individual travel experiences with each other. Travelers who have enjoyed planning, organizing and experiencing their own trips can upload their adventures in detail. This includes not only information about accommodation, but also recommendations for restaurants, activities and much more. Those looking for an authentic and personalized travel experience can then discover these uploaded trips from the platform and book them as a complete package. The package includes all the necessary details, such as accommodation, rental car, activities and a recommendation guide. For each booking, the person who uploaded their trip receives a reward. The platform also saves travel seekers an enormous amount of time and stress. You no longer have to sit down for hours to plan an original trip and book it piece by piece. Instead, they can choose from a variety of already organized and curated travel offers and book their dream trip with ease.

This innovative platform creates a win-win situation for both sides. Travelers looking for unique experiences will find exactly what they are looking for, while those who share their travel experiences can monetize their knowledge.

I am very happy to be part of winRT to bring my idea forward and I am looking forward to the coming months!

Juline Sharifzadeh

Juline Roya Sharifzadeh Roudsari and Kirsty Ellerbrok are behind the Legs Eleven label. The inspiration for the label stems from their shared passion for unconventional tights.

And that’s exactly what they do – colorful, patterned tights and knee-highs that don’t harm the environment.
While Kirsty was studying fashion design in London, she developed a tradition of searching for unique tights in second-hand stores with her grandmother. This is how Legs Eleven was born – in the shared student flat, to be precise. The essence is characterized by their common British roots and nostalgia, the very similar family stories and memories. Juline, with British-Iranian roots, recently completed her Bachelor’s degree in International Fashion Business at Reutlingen University. Kirsty, is a fashion designer and studies textile technology. Legs Eleven are more than just tights; they are a collection of stories, memories, design and a commitment to a sustainable future.

Ligia Dietze

Information on Ligia will follow shortly

Mascha Schönhof

I used to think that as a founder I could implement my own ideas and thus realize myself. But today I say that I have to solve my customers’ problems first and foremost. That gives me a feeling of satisfaction.

Many companies are currently relying on the most popular type of content: videos. They invest time and money to present their products, references or employees in an authentic way. But it is a real challenge to place these videos on your own website. As a rule, expensive web developers or web agencies are commissioned for this and every small change costs time and money again. In addition, the website is slowed down by each video.


So we developed qru, a software that makes it very easy to embed a large number of videos and images on the website – without any technical know-how or loss of performance. Integrated call-to-action buttons provide targeted user guidance. With our SaaS solution, the website becomes an interactive world of experience for visitors and a game changer for employees.

Nadine Foerster

Carbensate harnesses the power of nature and technology and transforms plants into long-term, sustainable CO2 reservoirs with the help of hydrothermal carbonization. Carbensate thus contributes to curbing global warming and achieving climate targets.

My motivation: to help shape a sustainable future that understands prosperity in economic, ecological and social terms.

Nathalie Hügler

My name is Nathalie Hügler and I am studying for a Master’s degree in International Business Development at ESB.

My professional career includes experience in sales at a renowned health insurance company, complemented by a bachelor’s degree in business psychology from Aalen University. My start-up project is concerned with improving the urban environment by developing modules for greening urban buildings. My aim is not only to contribute to a more liveable environment by improving air quality, but also to make my contribution to sustainability.

Sofia Willhauk

Sofia, 30 years old, graduate of ESB Business School Reutlingen and business psychologist.

“In recent years, my passion for understanding our mental and physical health has led me to focus intensively on the cause-and-effect relationships between health and various environmental factors. In addition to influencing factors such as sleep, stress, exercise and interpersonal relationships, I repeatedly identified the overriding leverage effect of our diet on anxiety, mental overload, lack of motivation and general well-being. With nourahealth, I want to create a platform that helps individuals to understand their individual nutritional biochemistry on the basis of scientific findings, AI-based data analysis and personal advice and to find solutions that can be easily integrated into everyday life and implemented in the long term. As a female founder, I have already encountered some challenges in my start-up project and have experienced that women often find it more difficult to enter the start-up scene. It is therefore crucial to promote female founding in order to strengthen diversity, innovation and equal opportunities in the corporate world.”

Sophia Schwarz

With our idea, we want to found our first own company with a lot of female power. WinRT Exist Women offers us the opportunity to overcome the lack of know-how about the start-up process and the financial hurdles.

According to the current standard, helmets in the forestry sector only have to withstand an impact force of 5kg from a height of 1m. However, most branches are heavier and fall from a greater height. Our airbag offers significantly greater protection than a helmet could for physical reasons. Due to the advancing climate change, the dangers posed by, for example, floods are also increasing. Deadwood in the forest, making forestry work increasingly dangerous for foresters. Our safety package as an add-on for the forestry helmet is the solution to this problem.

Our idea is a complete safety package as an addition to the helmet for forestry workers. Our product contains an airbag that activates in an emergency (e.g. in the event of a falling branch). The built-in security system then sends information to the hospital via a satellite. Another addition is the GPS signal, which provides the hospital with precise information about the location of the injured person.

Using simple tools, we built a first draft of the security package in the Makerspace at the Center for Entrepreneurship. The prototype currently has no technological functionality. In the next steps, we will work out and test the functionality of the airbag and the various sensors.

We expect the support program to provide us with comprehensive knowledge to strengthen our entrepreneurial skills. The opportunity to learn from experts will help us to step into the world of start-ups with confidence and information.


We hope to gain access to a strong network of mentors and successful female entrepreneurs through the program. Such a network is crucial for the exchange of ideas and experience. We are looking forward to not only developing our entrepreneurial skills, but also working on our personal development as a founding team. A central concern for us is to learn how to attract investors, how to register a company and how to initiate cooperation with partners.

Our wonderful women’s network

Coaches and mentors

Our Coaches

Sonja Johanna Döring

Founder of no/academy UG, team coach in the study program “Foundation, Innovation, Leadership

Competencies: The entrepreneurial (personality) development of the founding teams, large buffet of methods for the further development of the idea and business model, entrepreneurship education and female founding

Luise Brandt

Controller and start-up enthusiast

Competencies: controlling instruments, effectuation, self-organization

Viktoria Doppelstein

Human Resources & Feel Good Management

Competencies: Personal development, stress management, time management, self-management, coaching, strategic planning and consulting

Dr. Ralf Allrutz

Management consultant, mentor, coach

Expertise: Start-up, prototyping, value proposition canvas, validation, pitches, business models, digitalization, strategy

Angela Beyer-Brühl

Trainer, systemic business coach and founder of bb concepts

Competencies: competence development, (female) business coaching, communication, planning and evaluation of profitability, many years of management and industry experience (Hugo Boss), New Work/ New Leadership



Technologiepark Tübingen-Reutlingen: Gerhard-Kindler-Str.6, 72770 Reutlingen

Isabelle Bünting

Coach and communication trainer at Confident You

Competencies: Personal and organizational growth, building self-confidence

Dr. Henrike Stutzki

Startup Coach at Medical Innovations Incubator, Head of Clinical Affairs at sync2brain

Competencies: Expertise in Clinical Affairs, MedTech industry

Claudia Wonneberger

Wonneberger Manufaktur Medium-sized sewing shop

Wonneberger Manufaktur Medium-sized sewing shop

Our mentors

Isabelle Bünting

Coach and communication trainer at Confident You

Competencies: Personal and organizational growth, building self-confidence

Viktoria Doppelstein

Human Resources & Feel Good Management

Competencies: Personal development, stress management, time management, self-management, coaching, strategic planning and consulting

Dr. Ramona Samba

Managing Director/ CEO sync2brain

Kompetenzen: Startup Coach, Neurotechnologie & Wissenschaft, Unternehmensführung, Projektleitung

Theresa Schulz

Managing Director/ CEO & Co-Founder Nordesign

Competencies: Sales, marketing, event planning, international management

Ellen Øyan

Program Manager StudierenPlus Offer, Reutlingen University. Qualified jewelry designer.

Competencies: Jewellery design, creativity and innovation, organization and effectiveness, team collaboration

Anja Krystina Hermes


Competencies: Series founder, moderator, speaker, marketing, management

Sonja Johanna Döring

Founder of no/academy UG, team coach in the study program “Foundation, Innovation, Leadership

Competencies: The entrepreneurial (personality) development of the founding teams, large buffet of methods for the further development of the idea and business model, entrepreneurship education and female founding

Katja Großmann

Co-Founder kernique, Impact Coach, Art Director

Expertise: Corporate strategy, community building, crowdfunding, visual storytelling, visual communication, personal branding

Bettina Menzel

Professor at the University of Wismar, architect

Competencies: Conception, design, implementation, interior design, architectural lighting design, design (product/jewelry design), color, lighting and material design

Manuela Miller-Feigl

Co-CEO at Memi Textiles

Competencies: Design & product development

Franziska Nowak

Co-CEO at Memi Textiles

Competencies: Management & Finance

Sanja Ketterer

Consultant for LinkedIn marketing and science communication, concept developer & copywriter at DIE KAVALLERIE

Personal branding, marketing, hybrid working models Self-employment/employment

Questions or interest
on the program?

Contact me!

Myriel Anselm

Program Manager winRT and start-up consultant

Hochschule Reutlingen
Building 05 Room 005

winRT powered by Exist Women!